Yvette & Daniel
"Well Wishes" From Our Family & Friends
“We wish you an incredible honeymoon cruise vacation. Make sure to kiss and laugh a lot. Closeout the dance club. Sit in the hot tub until you shrivel up. And eat all the cookies and ice cream like noone's watching!! God bless your beautiful marriage.” - Your big Sis and brother Mike :) | |
“Merry Christmas!” - Noah | |
We are so happy for you.
We wish you a life full of love and happiness!
We love you!” - Cuqui &Margaret | |
“Wishing you a lifetime of love &happiness!
Keep God in the center of your marriage,
and you will rise above all of life’s challenges❤️
Hope you enjoy your honeymoon cruise!
We love you!” - Baby &Joe |
Thank You for visiting my trip registry and personal website. This trip registry allows me to pre-plan all the wonderful things I want to do on my vacation.If you have any questions about how my trip gift registry works, please contact a gift registry specialist at 800-801-3493. Again, Thank You so much for using my trip registry and personal website. Most of all, thank you for helping me have the vacation of my dreams.
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