John & Margarita
"Well Wishes" From Our Family & Friends
“Congratulations on your retirement! It is well earned! You will be missed by Rick VERY much!!” - Rick &Esther Sullivan | |
“We wish you the happiest, healthiest &safest life after retirement. We appreciate everything you have done for us &the school. You will be missed.” - Bailey, Bianca &Letha | |
“Hope you &your wife have an exciting time! Enjoy your retirement, you’ve EARNED IT!” - | |
“Two amazing events in one year! As you enter this new journey of post retirement, we wish you many adventures, love, and joy as you celebrate both your 60th birthday and retirement!! Blessings and besitos amigo ❤️” - Con mucho cariño Cindy &Carlos | |
“We wish you well in retirement. Enjoy your holiday! Great gift idea Margarita. So sorry we will miss your celebration.” - Robert &Kay | |
“You’re truly going to be missed. Your integrity, dedication, professionalism and commitment is a rare find. It’s truly been a pleasure working with you!! You certainly gained the respect of us all. May you both enjoy your cruise, retirement &PR!” - Nancy Herman |
Thank You for visiting my trip registry and personal website. This trip registry allows me to pre-plan all the wonderful things I want to do on my vacation.If you have any questions about how my trip gift registry works, please contact a gift registry specialist at 800-801-3493. Again, Thank You so much for using my trip registry and personal website. Most of all, thank you for helping me have the vacation of my dreams.
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